Love and Other Disasters



Early In The Morning

Evening is the time of day
I find nothing much to see
Don’t know what to do, but I come to
When it’s early in the morning
Over by the window day is dawning
When I feel the air
I feel that life is very good to me, you know
In the sun, there is so much yellow
something in the early morning meadow
Tells me that today you’re on your way
And you’ll be coming home, home to me

Night time isn’t clear to me
I find nothing near to me
Don’t know what to do but I come to
When it’s early in the morning
Very, very early without warning I came
Feel a newly born vibration
Sneaking up on me again
There’s a song bird on my pillow
I can see the fun in weeping willow
I can see the sun
You’re on your way and you’ll be coming
Home, home with me

这首歌再次被引用是在<Love and Other Disasters>,据说上次出现是在<My Sassy Girl >,不过我没大注意,<Love and Other Disasters>讲的故事其实很常见,即使是在我们身边,只不过用帅哥和美女表现出来更为吸引,jacks和一个男同密友住在一起(当然是0),乐于为身边的男男女女解答情感问题,自己却毫不在意乱麻一般的感情,即使她的男友,也喊出了多少年了还把我当一夜情对象……不过由于这是一部喜剧,所以不必当真,当然,其中表达的同性恋观点也很喜剧,jacks虽然在时尚前沿从业,但是她的思维却依然简单,从她在车上对paolo的一番判断就可以得出,很多时候我们往往把保守和开放,简单和复杂混为一谈,事实不是这样的,这是两个参数,虽然可能产生相互的作用,大略看了一遍,没注意太多细节,我估计要看第二遍的时候才能有更多体会。